The XV edition of “Encuentro con la Ciencia” is coming! As usual, Euronutra offers its support and collaboration and invites everybody to assist to the conference cycle that they present as well as the exhibition they bring to us.
This year’s theme is the brain and the memory. The exhibition for this edition is “Alzheimer: camino a la memoria” (Alzheimer’s: pathway to memory) which has been carried out by researches from Sociedad Española de Neurociencia (SENC); the photographies are by the photographer Alejandro Hurtado and the Diario Sur journalist Antonio Ortín.
For Euronutra this year’s theme, the brain and the memory, is especially interesting . The brain is the organ where ideas happens and where we keep them. That is why it is of vital importance and, when degeneration arrives, our quality of life starts decreasing. A large number of people are affected by diseases such as the Alzheimer’s and they affect too to their relatives and people who care for them. This is why we need science and research to keep on looking for new ways to face this situation and, with that, contribute to decrease the adverse effects of this condition which affects to a large number of people.

Euronutra celebrates the latest scientific advances in this field. They relate Alzheimer’s disease to an increased prevalence of insulin abnormalities and insulin resistance. This opens new possibilities for the treatment of this condition, offering hopes to overcome the most common form of dementia.